Friday (12/4/2019) – PENS welcomed the arrival of the lecturer from Tarlac Agricultural University of Philippines and held a guest lecture for every student in PENS. This Lecturer name is Dr.Christine N. Ferrier as a Director of External Linkages and International Affairs.

This event was held by PENS International Cooperation Office (PICO) and also supported by PICO Volunteers as a committee of this event at Miniteater PostGraduate PENS. The purpose of this event was to deliver the importance of English teaching and learning in an Asian context.

Dr. Christine N.Ferrer shared her knowledge about the usage of English in the Philippines and how English is effecting for International Student in the Philippines. She said “ At this moment I’d like to tell you about the usage and teaching of English in Asian. Because of the application of English in Asian is different in every country and this globalization era forces us to use English to communicate with others. With English, we can share our ideas better.”

Besides of Dr. Christine N.Ferrer lecture, one of the Internship Student of Southeast Asia Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Heri Yulianus share their experience when he was an Internship Student at Tarlac Agricultural University of Philippines. He said that in Philippines English is almost become a number one language because, English had been used in every condition in the Philippines. When he went to the traditional market in the Philippines, the seller used English to communicate with our exchange participant. This thing makes life easier for him when He was in the Philippines.
This event will be a step to make this collaboration between PENS and Tarlac Agricultural University last longer and keep doing the exchange program and makes Asian better. – Adit