Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS) is the best vocational higher education (polytechnic) in Indonesia ranked by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) in 2019. PENS with its vision and mission to implement the Three Services of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) determined to expand its scope to carry out international class program as the manifestation of internationalization.
This 2020, PENS open 4 international class study programs: Bachelor of Applied Science in Telecommunications Engineering Study Program, Bachelor of Applied Science in Informatics Engineering Study Program, Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechatronics Engineering Study Program, and Bachelor of Applied Science in Game Technology Study Program. Through the networking with partner universities abroad, especially with ASEAN countries, Japan and Germany, PENS believes that this international class program will be one of the icons of internationalization and can increase its capacity in the world class, as well as being one of the reputable universities in this world.
Benefits of joining PENS International Class are:
(1) giving students an international standard education atmosphere, with English as the medium of instruction,
(2) teachers are not only local teachers from PENS, but also foreign teachers from overseas partner universities, for example from ASEAN countries, Japan, Germany, etc.,
(3) students can experience minimum 1 (one) year of study at an overseas partner university and industry,
(4) the education system adopts a single/dual degree system in which students can get 2 (two) degrees (double degree) from PENS and from overseas partner universities,
(5) students will get at least 1 (one) certificate of international competence based on to the field of study program and an international certificate of English language proficiency.
A. General Requirements
1. High school graduates 2 (two) last year (2019 and 2020).
2. Having the capacity and capability in the academic field (Psychological Test/Academic Test and English language proficiency test carried out by PENS).
3. Requirements for prospective foreign students –> directed to the Pico website
4. Fill out the Online Form.
B. Study Programs for PENS International Class Programs
1. Bachelor of Applied Science in Telecommunications Engineering Study Program
2. Bachelor of Applied Science in Informatics Engineering Study Program
3. Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechatronics Engineering Study Program
4. Bachelor of Applied Science in Game Technology Study Program
C. Education Costs
1 | Registration Fee | IDR 1,000,000 | ||
2 | Tuition Fee per semester | IDR 15,500,000 | ||
Including cost for 1 (one) international competency certification test and 1 (one) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) | ||||
3 | Admission Fee | IDR 30,000,000 | ||
4 | Visiting/study abroad | Self-Funding*) | ||
*) Fees are not included in points 1, 2, and 3 and the amount depends on PENS partner university abroad. | ||||
*) Education costs (points 1, 2, and 3) that have been paid are NOT refundable for any reason. |
D. Important Dates
1. Online Registration & Registration Payment
2. TOEFL Test, Academic Test and Interview
3. Admission Announcement
4. Re-registration and payment of Admission Fee and Tuition Fee for the first semester 2020/2021
5. Procession of new student admissions
6. Initial lecture
*) Registration is done online through website: pmb.pens.ac.id (participants must carefully read all the registration requirements before filling out the online form because errors in filling out the form are the participant’s responsibility and cannot be changed for any reason)
E. Quota for Each Study Program
The number of prospective students to be accepted per study program is maximum of 30 people. Students accepted into the International Class program are NOT permitted to transfer to the regular class program.
For further information please contact:
1. PENS International Cooperation Office : pico@pens.ac.id
2. Telecommunications Engineering Study Program:
M. Zen Samsono Hadi, Ph.D (+6281292109194)
3. Informatics Engineering Study Program
M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid, Ph. D (+62 856-4506-5911)
4. Mechatronics Engineering Study Program
Nasyir Tamara, M.T (+62 812-3289-2500)
5. Game Technology Study Program
Rizky Yuniar Hakkun, S.Kom, MT (+6281330409904)
F. Curriculum