Tuesday, 19th February 2019, once more PENS accepted visitors from Junior High School and Senior High School students from Busan, Korea, and also Surabaya. This program happened as a form of 25 years brotherly relationship Surabaya-Busan.

All students arrive in Surabaya on Sunday, and they will come to several schools in Surabaya. This group consisted of 14 Korean students from the Busan Golf Middle School and Haeyeon Middle School. beside that, there are also local students, from SMPN 1 Surabaya, SMPN 3 Surabaya, SMPN 6 Surabaya and SMPN 22 Surabaya.

Becoming the only college in Surabaya that include in “to go to” list, is absolutely becoming an honor for PENS. “We know that PENS is the best vocational college in Indonesia. That`s why Surabaya feel so proud, and Surabaya needs to show that Surabaya got PENS” said Cavita Ezra as Representative of Administrasi Kerjasama Pemerintah Kota Surabaya Bagian Luar Negeri.

Arrived in PENS at 1PM, the group is gather together in Theater Room, D3 Building for and opening session. Beside welcoming speech from PENS Director, Dr.Zainal Arief S.T.,M.T., there are also a welcoming speech from Korean side. After the welcoming, the students are invited to walk around PENS. They also get a chance to take a look at Pusat Unggulan Teknologi (PUT) PENS, and they see PCB Manufacture, and any other technology, like CNC and 3D printer.
Beside that, they also got introduced to startup company under the auspices of PENS Sky Venture Business Incubator. After that, they go to the Intelligent Mechatronics & Industrial Automation (IMIA) Laboratory. From this trip, expected to give a good story from PENS as one of the best colleges in Indonesia, especially, Surabaya. – Namira