Saturday (2/3) for the first time PICO’s volunteers, Korean and Philippino students do city tour around Surabaya. Today’s schedule start by visiting SDN Simokerto V along with the KAMPOENG DOLANAN, visiting the 10 November Museum near the Heroes Monument, and closed with visiting a souvenir shop in Surabaya.

This activity started at 9 AM, Miss Irin and volunteers (Ilham, Shella, and Rachmad) pick foreign students up at Carica Homestay then they went SDN Simokerto V. Unexpectedly the teachers and the students are waiting for our arrival. Even the teacher wearing shirt written Korean letter. There we introduce ourselves then with students learn how to make written batik, introduce Korean and Philippine language, and play traditional game (tarik tambang, eggrang batok, and balap karung). The teachers and students seemed very happy with our arrival. Thanks to Kang Mus and his partner from KAMPOENG DOLANAN for supporting this activity. Hopefully, we may gone with KAMPOENG DOLANAN again for another time.

After visit along with the KAMPOENG DOLANAN, we went to the Museum of 10 November near the Heroes Monument. But before that, we had lunch at “AYAM BAKAR WONG SOLO”. When we arrived at the Heroes Monument, our arrival greeted by the Statue of Indonesian Proclaimer (Ir Soekarno and Moh Hatta), then we enter the museum area not far from the Heroes Monument. In the museum we were taken in the era of 1945. When the battle of 10 November occurred, many relics of war and dioramas that tell the condition of Surabaya at that time. We were amazed by the struggle of the fallen heroes in order to reclaim Indonesia from the hands of the allies.

Our next destination is went to a gift shop located on jl. Kertajaya. In this shop, there are a lot of souvenirs from Indonesia especially Surabaya, suitable for foreign students because these souvenirs are not found in their country. Unfortunately this store does not allow visitors to took a pictures while shopping in this store. After shopping, we went back to Carica Homestay and PENS. See you on the next PICO’s agenda. (mad/elm)