IOSBC (International Office Student Buddy Club) Telkom University invited PICO (PENS International Cooperation Office) to their event “Buddies Sharing Session” which was held on Saturday, 5th December 2020 at 1.30 PM via Zoom.
This event was opened with a welcome speech from Mr. Ilham Muhammad Nizar as captain of IOSBC and Ms. Annisa Anggun Puspitasari as representative from PICO volunteeers.

The first session was an explanation of the history, divisions, and annual events from IOSBC followed by PICO in the second session.

The third session was ice-breaking where the Kahoot game was held with questions about explanations from the first and second previous sessions and some general knowledge.

And the next session is the main session at this event which is QnA where IOSBC and PICO exchange information about event management, member recruitment process, and various other matters.
The sharing session was held with the excitement and enthusiasm coming from the participants. And the event closed with a group photo session.

Thank you for inviting us in this sharing session and thank you for the insight. You are all great.