PENS International Cooperation Office successfully held the Webinar “Getting to Know PICO” with the amazing speakers Diana Fitri, Annisa Anggun, and Sudersen.
This event was moderated by Nindy Puspita Dewi (one of PICO Volunteers) and joined by 42 participants via WEBEX.

First talk was given by Diana Fitri, PICO Volunteer Batch 3 Representative. She told us about PICO and her experiences of being PICO Volunteer.

Second talk was given by Annisa Anggun, PICO Volunteer Batch 2 Representative. She told us about PICO activities, the benefits of becoming PICO Volunteers and also her experiences of being PICO Volunteer.

Last talk was given by Sudersen, SEAMEO Student Internship Exchange 2019 in PENS from Politeknik METrO Tasek Gelugor, Malaysia. He told us his experiences when he was doing his internship exchange in PENS.

Sharing session was held with the excitement and enthusiasm coming from the speaker and also the participants.

Thank you so much for joining us and participating in the Webinar “Getting to Know PICO”. We hope you will find these talks useful and enjoyable. Keep productive, stay health and stay safe.
See you and have a great day!