Figure 1 – The 3rd SEAMEO Polytechnic Network Meeting held in PENS Auditorium
For the first time, PENS hosts the international event for South East Asian scope. PENS in cooperation with SEAMEO (South East Asian Ministry Education Organization) conducted The 3rd SEAMEO Polytechnic Network Meeting on Thursday, April 5th 2018 to Friday, April 6th 2018. The participating institutions were the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions which provide Diploma/Higher Diploma, and TVET Bachelor in the following priority areas: Hospitality and Tourism, Mechatronics/Electronics and Manufacturing, IT/ Informatics, Agriculture/Animal Science, Food Technology, Business and others as agreed by participating institutions.
The event, which is officially opened by Dr. Patdono Suwignjo as the General Director of Institutional Affairs for Science and Technology, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia, is aimed to share and learn the successful practices of student internship exchange from the participating institutions, to review and evaluate the implementation of the 1st batch of the South East Asia (SEA)-TVET student internship exchange and identify the improvement and action plan for the 2nd batch of SEA-TVET student internship exchange to be implemented in August-September 2018, and to explore the possible model and implementation process of SEA-TVET 3-2-1 Dual Programme.
The first day of meeting was concentrated on the implementation for the 2nd batch of SEA-TVET student internship exchange, while the second day was focusing on the implementation for SEA-TVET 3-2-1 dual programme. SEAMEO was providing the Letter of Agreement for the participating institutions who take part in the 2nd batch of SEA-TVET student internship exchange in the first day of the meeting, and in the second day of the meeting, several instituions were also signing the Letter of Agreement to be involved in the SEA-TVET 3-2-1 Dual Programme implementation.
Figure 2 – Dr. Zainal Arief as Director of PENS delivered welcome speech to the participants
Figure 3 – Dr. Patdono Suwignjo as the General Director of Institutional Affairs for Science and Technology, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education was officially opened the event.
Figure 4 – Dr. Amang Sudarsono as the head of PENS International Cooperation Office (PICO) was giving speech about the introduction of the participants and programme
Figure 5 – Ms. piyapa Su-angavatin as the Coordinator of SEAMEO Secretariat lead the discussion on the possible model and implementation process of “Sea-TVET 3-2-1 Dual Programme”. Ms. Piyapa also delivered overview of the 1st batch of SEA-TVET Student Internship Exchange and Evaluation Result.
Figure 6 – Sharing Session from Mr. William Kathina Hatta (PENS student) about his experience during student exchange to Thailand through TVET SEAMEO Batch. This sharing session was moderated by Ms. Dias Agata (Secretary of PICO), and also invited Mr. Muhammad Iskandar Dzulqornain (PENS student), accompanied by Ms. Irin Tri Anggraini (staff of PICO). Other international officers from participting institutions were also invited: Dr. Sally A. Jarin (Director of Local and International Affair) from Pangasinan State University and Dr. Ananda Putra (Head of International Office) from Universitas Negeri Padang. They shared about their experience during involving the 1st batch of SEA-TVET student internship programme.
Figure 7 – Dr. Abi Sujak as Director of SEAMEO SEAMOLEC delivered presentation about the implementation of online distance education and student exchange on the second day of the meeting.
Figure 8 – Dr. Udin Harun Al – Rasyid as the head of Distance Learning Programme in PENS, delivered presentation entitled A Case Study “Implementation of Online Course: Technology and Content”.
Figure 9 – The participants of the 3rd SEAMEO Polytechnic Network Meeting were enjoying some refreshments from Smart Vending Machine, a sophisticated machine developed by PENS students which provides beverages and operated by only tapping the participant’s name card which has been fulfilled with some credits from the committee.
Figure 10 – SEAMEO’s participants visited PENS’ Intelligent Mechatronics and Industrial Automation Laboratory. Dr. Eng. Indra Adji as the vice director of academic affair of PENS lead the participants and presents one of the products developed by PENS students.
Figure 11 – Dr. Gatot Priowirjanto as Director of SEAMEO Secretariat guide and lead the participants in Letter of Agreement signing session.
Figure 12 – The participating institutions’ directors were hand in hand Dr Gatot Priowirjanto as a symbol of cooperation and solid relationships among SEAMEO and all the participating institutions.
Figure 13 – Director of PENS, General Director of Institutional Affairs for Science and Technology, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat and International participants of 3rd SEAMEO Polytechnic Network Meeting.
Figure 14 – Happy face of the committee of 3rd SEAMEO Polytechnic Network Meeting with Ms. Dias Agata as the Secretary of International Office, Mr. Amang as the head of International Office, and Ms. Irin as the staff of PENS International Cooperation Office.