(Saturday 9 May 2020)
PENS International Cooperation Office successfully held the second webinar : Sharing Session “International Study Talks” with Satria Hardinata (LPDP Awardee)
This event was joined by 99 participants via WEBEX and moderated by Falia Innocentia (one of PICO Volunteers). Sharing Session is given by Satria Hardinata, the alumnus of PENS who’s getting LPDP scholarship to continue his study at Sorbonne University.
Satria Hardinata told us how he can get a scholarship to continue his study in Europe especially in France. He also told us how education system in France. He shared his experience and knowledge during studying in Sorbonne University and following lot of conferences such as in Swedia and Netherlands.
Sharing session was held with the excitement and enthusiasm coming from the speakers and also the participants.
Thank you for joining us and participating this first webinar. Thank you for the speakers who gave us the insightful talks. You are all great!
See you guys on the next event! -Adl